Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Matter of Los Angeles: July 2013

July 2013

How Los Angeles went through two harpies in as many days


The curious case of Raylan Carlyle:

If Raylan Carlyle isn’t a household name yet, it will be! He and Los Angeles have gained the attention of harpies everywhere his ever-unfolding saga of outrageous scandal.

It all began simply enough.  The harpy, Lilly Belle Stafford, released her report following the city’s last gathering.  In it she named Mr. Carlyle, Primogen of the Toreador, Uncouth for his misbehavior in the court of the City of Angels.  No specifics were given, but certainly she acted well within the rights granted by her position.

This is where things start to unravel.

Attached to her report was an addendum where in she explained that Mr. Carlyle was displeased by her decision to award him negative status.  Instead of accepting the judgment of the harpy like any self-respecting Elder of the Camarilla, he decided to abuse his position as her Primogen and returned the favor of negative status, naming her Lacking. 

We won’t even touch on the fact that by giving him negative status she effectively gave herself (and the rest of the clan) negative status.  Why?  Because, dear readers, it only gets worse from here.

Not only did Mr. Carlyle give his clanmate, the harpy, negative status, but he also threatened her in the most poorly written message I think I have ever had to read. 

"Should i contuine to see more protection of ones own and less of the city, this will not be the first action i take." 

I assume he meant last action, because after receiving this message the haven Ms. Stafford shared with her sire, THE PRINCE, was attacked!

In response to this attack, the prince removed Mr. Carlyle’s acknowledgement.  This upset the Nosferatu Primogen, Harvey, whose response was to call in a major boon he held over the Prince in hopes of seeing Mr. Carlyle’s acknowledgement returned.

I personally think asking a Prince to violate the Traditions—particularly the one which allows him to rule his own Domain—constitutes more than a major favor, but it was not my decision to make. 

In fulfillment of the boon the Prince returned Mr. Carlyle’s acknowledgment, but immediately bloodhunted him!  This caused the Prince and the Nosferatu Primogen to once again butt heads, as the Primogen claimed this was in violation of the boon. 

Whatever your interpretation might be, the Prince decided to appease Mr. Harvey and rescinded the bloodhunt.

That little scenario amounts to quite a bit of scandal on it’s own, though it seems to be the result of a comedy of errors on the part of everyone involved.  And we are not yet done with Mr. Carlyle!

In hopes (I imagine) to see Mr. Carlyle removed as Primogen, the Prince announced a call of the seasons.  In that regard it would be successful, but in an unexpected and disastrous turn of events Mr. Carlyle found himself elected as harpy!

There is some dispute as to how this happened; the former Harpy Stafford claimed that it was through a number of well-spent boons that he managed to buy his way into the position.  Mr. Carlyle claimed—and, dear readers, he claimed many things over the course of this debacle—that is was completely by the desire of the Primogen council that he found himself elevated.

From Bloodhunted to Influential in a single night!  How utterly unconscionable.

I could hardly see how it could be done without considerable payoffs. 

Needless to say this transition did not sit well with the social conscious of the Ivory Tower.

How will such a scandalous individual do as Harpy?  We shall never know, dear readers, for only three days later the same council that elected him saw fit to remove him from his post.  There was no more explanation than that it was “following the revelations of his many scandals and crimes against our society.”

Who will be the new harpy of Los Angeles?  Will Ms. Stafford reclaim her former position?  Is the Villainous Mr. Carlyle still welcome in the city of Los Angeles?

Inquiring minds would like to know.

Bisou, bisou

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